
A well-crafted presentation is a mirror-image of your Organization. It reflects the professionalism and dedication of the presenter also. Best Presentation Design Service from Write Right provides eye-catchy designs and call-to-action words that add tremendous value to the Presentations. Since our inception, we have designed Powerpoint, Flash, and HTML presentations to clients from – IT, Academics, Engineering, Hospitality, Healthcare, etc…


We research the subject, study the target audience and then design Presentations. To us, every presentation is a strategic marketing tool. Best Presentation Design Service from Write Right is custom-made to deliver – chances of face-to-face appointments, create engagements with flexibility and versatility.


Write Right makes your presentations memorable. We present graphics, images, and facts in such a way that they’re easy to remember

Presentation Design: Standard/Customized templates. Standard Positioning, Standard Colors and Styles, Clip arts and Graphics for specific purposes

Presentation Content: Easy to read and remember content, billeted approach wherever needed, industry facts, essential information


We suggest:

  • No more than 6 words a line and 6 lines a slide
  • No long sentences
  • No fancy fonts
  • Avoid abbreviations and acronyms
  • Limit punctuation marks
  • Better usage of fonts

Why PPT is important?

Powerpoints are memorable and are capable of generating engagement with the target audience for business growth.


How can Write Right help us in making our presentation interesting?

Write Right helps you make your presentation interesting by adding well researched and apt to the situation – Quotes, Jokes, Stories, Bold Statements, Audience participation elements, rhetorical questions, noteworthy facts and figures, and important take-away items.